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ID: RO33073394
No. ORC: J40/4736/2014
Registered Office: Bucharest Sector 3, Ramnicu Valcea Street No. 30, Bl. 15, Sc. 2, Et. 2, App. 46 Office: Bucharest Sector 4, Bd. Unirii no. 10, Bl. 7B, Stair A, Floor 5, Apartment 19

Correspondence address: Bucharest Sector 4, Bd. Unirii no. 10, Bl. 7B, Stair A, Floor 5, Apartment 19

Email: office@deluxespa.ro
Mobile phone: 0729.602.943
Landline: 031.402.99.68

Time schedule:
Monday-Sunday 09:00 - 21:00

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